Sunday, March 22, 2015

For SK

I think Emily Dickinson wrote it best in that one poem on death.

I am no stranger to death, but it's always surprising and unexpected when it shows up in my neighborhood.

A friend of mine that I've known for almost 20 years had recently passed from lymphoma. She had been dealing with it for the last few years but really had to fight it these last few months.

It is disheartening to know that she and I were the same age. We had more or less grew up, graduated, and came back to serve in the same church. What is more disheartening is the void that is left in all the lives that had been graced by her presence.  

She was one of the sweetest and most caring people I knew. If we were of the Catholic persuasion, she definitely would have been on the short list for sainthood. I always balked at the saying of "wouldn't hurt a fly," but I now see that as true when I think back on her character.

It is of and should be a comfort to know that Heaven has now welcomed her to its fold.

My writings here today may not do her justice, but I want to remember who she was when I look back to this and when time eventually robs us of our memory.

SK, you are and will be dearly missed.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

building empires state of mind

Matthew 6:19-20.

More recently I've been reminded of these verses after my most recent trip to the Empire State and as I assume, not so incidentally enough, as I was sitting in church service this morning.

My repose there was not long enough and left me wanting for more, both physically and psychologically. All details of said trip will be posted via another outlet of social media. Hit me up if you're curious!

One constant thought that has pervaded my psyche after I've left is the want for more. It's been stewing for some years now and I think it has come to a head as I near the end of my "turbulent 20s." (I know, this cries 1st world angst)

At my very core, I am wanting to build several empires for me to rule. To prove to myself that I can and that I am master of my domain. Yet, the ever nagging thought that accompanies these delusions of grandeur is: when will all these empires collapse on themselves?

What I find even more amusing as I muse and write on this subject is that today is Selection Sunday 2015 and the Ides of March. Both events are reminders of one's race to the top. Yet, they are also reminders of how one's race to the top can be cut down at any moment.

I'm not saying we shouldn't want more, far from it! But to be remind and temper one's megalomania with some needed truth: Philippians 2:3-4. 

Don't get me wrong, all of what I'm writing ain't easy. Then again, all that is worth doing is never easy. I've got a LONG road ahead if I'm to achieve this ideal. God help me.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

in and out

Obligatory last post of 2014.

Here's to hoping I'll write A LOT more in 2015!

2014, we out!

Thursday, December 25, 2014

holiday homework?

Heartbreaking. Sobering. Enlightening.

Although the kids are out and about and school's not in session for the Christmas season, there is always plenty of lessons to be learned outside of the classroom.

This holiday break is no exception.

Although a brief respite from work/school, I've picked up on and am reminded of lessons learned and forgotten.

Over the course of this short break, I have made trips to the children's hospital and to the cemetery, in the same day. If that doesn't get your attention, I don't know what will. Leaving such places, as expected, has brought to mind old lessons that bear repeating; life is precious, life is fleeting, life is hard, life is beautiful. I hope these lessons continue to stick with me.

Seeing a child/baby in the hospital is worrying, but seeing a child/baby who is related to you in the hospital is unsettling. What crosses one's mind if one's own child is in that situation, I cannot fathom this quite yet. Prayers are all I can offer in these kinds of situations.

I've been to cemeteries so often, they seem like any establishment one would normally visit, like the grocery store. But visiting one always, as it should, reminds me of my own mortality. On having to visit on official business, not attending a funeral related, I got to see another side of the funeral business that I was not aware of, the sale of vaults. Unexpectedly, I found the posters advertising the types of vaults and how they are customizable to be HILARIOUS. Don't get me wrong, death is a serious matter, but I couldn't help but laugh at this establishment's advertisements. I'm terrible, I know.

It's been said that God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh. Here's to me laughing at all the parts, both at the appropriate and inappropriate times. Hope He doesn't get too mad.

I would be remiss if I didn't mention this tidbit, in light of all this talk about sickness and death. I am also reminded of Someone who was born whose mission was to die.

p.s. Merry Christmas!!!

Monday, March 31, 2014


If it's your own party: one is never late, everybody is just early.

Although it's 2 days later, I'll still write to celebrate as if it were the day of.

Here's to this blog turning 6!!!!!!

However inconsistent I may post, here's to hoping there's more of it (the writing, of course)!

Monday, July 8, 2013


... is the number of miles driven this time around to Cville and back.

19 May 2013. Another set of graduates from dear ol' UVa traipse across the Lawn to wear the honors of Honor. Unseasonably cool for graduation weather but it beats the heck out of the anticipated sweltering mugginess.

This is the 5th one I've been to (mine included) and I feel I have it down to a science. I know where to go, where not to go, when to go, when not to go, etc. etc. Even though I'm 3 years removed, it feels like I've never really left and things have stayed the same. At the same time, TOO much has changed. Newcomb has had an impressive face lift. More buildings have risen up and continue to rise. Faces don't look as familiar. It's a lot to take in and process...

Despite my first world grumblings, I never regret coming back to see old familiar haunts that I both hated and loved at the same time. I'm reminded every time I come back of TOO many people, places, and things that make me miss that school in the hills so dearly sometimes.   

A bit bittersweet every time I leave but the next (when???) return is always much anticipated. 

Many congratulations to the Class of 2013!



John 19:30.

Every now and then I'm amazed on how eloquent a phrase is translated into another language. This is one of those times. 

At this year's Good Friday service, one of my pastors pointed out one of the last words of Christ as He hung dying on the cross in the sermon he gave.

"It is finished." Says the NIV translation, indicating a real sense of finality. In Chinese, John 19:30 is translated as 成了. Pastor mentioned that cheng le had a double meaning to it. It can be interpreted as what He set out to do was completed and that what He set out to do was successful.

It was successful?! That simple interpretation by Pastor gave me chills. Church going folks always mentioned that God had a plan. Hallelujah for that Plan!